Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British world university ranking agency has released its latest rankings, according to which 9 Indian institutes have made it to the top 100. It is the 5th such ranking by subject published by the agency.
IIT Bombay has outshown the rest and was ranked the best technical institute in India, also being the first of the Indian Institutes to have appeared in the top 100 ranking for 8 disciplines, closely followed by IIT Delhi. With the introduction of 6 new subjects such as architecture, art & design and business studies etc, India has managed to secure 107 positions overall, with a spread of 36 subjects.
As individual departments have landed institutes on the top of the list, DU has emerged to be the ultimate winner out of all for being ranked 17th among the top 20 universities, for its new department in Development Studies. Apart from a score of technical institutes such as IIT Kharagpur and IIT Madras which have been ranked for their respective departments, JNU has also made it under one department list. Shanmugha Arts Science Technology and Research Academy, Thanjavur has been ranked among the top 100 for art and design along with Indian Institute of Science for Material Science and Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
A statement issued by the agency states that Indian institutes have shown increased competitiveness across various subjects.
This ranking has resulted in country-wide appreciation for Indian universities, especially for Delhi University which has been time and again ranked as one of the top universities in the country. This is an incentive for all institutes to promote innovation and welcome new fields like Development Studies which is getting praised globally now.
Tarushi Varma
Picture credits: www.collegiate-ac.com
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