The Mikaelson Family is back. And they’re vengeful.
Remember watching Season 2 of The Vampire Diaries (TVD)? That was the first time the world was introduced to an Original Vampire, Niklaus Mikaelson. Then in Season 3, we saw a full house: the one and only Original Vampire Family made their full-fledged appearance.
A little background: The Mikaelson Family is the line of the first vampires in existence. All vampires have descended from them. They are the most powerful vampires in the world. Esther, wife of Mikael, was a dark magic witch who turned her five children, namely Niklaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Finn and Kol into vampires (The Originals).
In season 3 of The Vampire Diaries, The Originals were cleverly brought in to fit the larger scheme of things on the show and take the storyline forward. This introduction had overwhelming results. It did wonders for the show’s TRP. Fans went gaga over Elijah’s noble ways, Klaus’ evil manipulations and Rebekah’s endearing naivety.
The popularity of The Original Family knew no bounds. So much so, that what started off as a gimmick to lure more fans into the TVD network, has today become a self-sufficient sitcom. Premiered on the 14th November 2014 at 10 pm on Zee Café is the much awaited show, ‘The Originals’.
Here is a quick list of what you can expect from this television series:
1. A lot of Hybrid Curse linked story-telling
The trailer of the show depicts Hailey( a hybrid werewolf) telling Klaus(original vampire) that she is carrying his child. Which of course, seems rather unfathomable, considering that both are supernatural creatures. So to validate the possibility, you can expect lot of witch lore coming your way.
2. Tons of good vs evil action
Let’s face it. Even within The Original Family, you have the ever notorious Klaus trying to badger his self-righteous brother Elijah. So one can naturally expect many ‘Klaus- pursuing-evil-path’ and ‘Elijah-thwarting-his-efforts’ scenes.
3. Novel characters, new tales
The plot is distinct from the known storyline of The Vampire Diaries. The first season is supposed to be about The Family returning to New Orleans, a city they built(but had to flee) and recovering it from Marcel. A parallel story that runs alongside is the story of Hailey carrying Klaus’ illegitimate child.
4. More Elijah and Rebekah
In TVD, Klaus was pre-dominantly visible, while Elijah and Rebekah had to make do with lesser limelight. However, because The Originals specifically deals with The Original Family, and there is no fluff( read Damon, Elena and Stefan) for distraction, one can definitely expect more stories based on Elijah and Rebekah’s characters.
5. Exciting Collaborations
Folks, let’s not forget that The Originals is a prequel to The Vampire Diaries. It is not an entirely independent sitcom. As of now, its storyline seems a little limited. So it is but natural for one to expect cameos by The Salvatore Brothers or Elena Gilbert and her group of friends. Furtherance of the turbulent Caroline-Klaus romance shall also remain a wild possibility.
Vampire Lovers, get ready to witness this one hell of a cinematic experience. Here come The Originals to service you with an extra dose of good old Vampire entertainment!
Kriti Sharma
[email protected]
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