2 weeks from now, every Delhi University student will get caught in the trauma that strikes twice every year. After bunking the classes the entire semester and doing everything in college except studying, we sit down one week before the deadly dates on the calendar with newly brought books that smell as fresh as a daisy and Solved Ten Year Question Papers that work as a Bible for each of us the night before the exam.
While the third year and second year students are very familiar with the mantra ‘to pass Delhi University exams by studying for a week’, the freshers are both confused and nervous about the first semester exams.
Well the mantra to pass still remains the same for freshers too- get your books, go offline, drink up on caffeine, pull up all-nighters(only if you’re comfortable, otherwise you may screw up the paper) and have faith in some invisible power that only whatever you’re studying will be asked in the exam.
The two weeks of penance are coupled with anxiety, crazy strategies which we all develop suiting our own convenience, the constant urge not to watch the latest movie or complete the TV series that you can’t stop thinking of and sacrificing the dear sleep. While there are always people who go all competitive, scare you with “Kitna padha?” every hour on Whatsapp and jolt you the day of exam by bombarding terms and phrases which you are totally oblivious of, even after reading the entire book, it’s advisable to stay away from them and give the exam without any negative thoughts.
Since the quantity and quality of studies is an entirely subjective notion differing from each other, one should never try ideas put into their head by others especially during exams. We all have our own reasons, plans and approaches for studying at the last minute for the exams. But each semester exam of Delhi University reminds you the purpose of being at the most prestigious university of India-academics!
Even before we have completely prepared our minds to renounce the worldly things and follow the path of studies (for a few weeks and then back to be the social butterfly), the plans for post-exam parties are always ready.
If you’re still struggling to sit down surrounded by books for some weeks and abandon the outside world, think of all great things that post-exam break has got you to offer to make you cut some slack on yourself of exam pressure!
I would like to leave you all with my mantra for exam season to chant after you’ve studied by none other than the great Shakespeare-“This Too Shall Pass”! Believe me! It has been working for the past four semesters! Here’s wishing all DU-ites an amazing exam season with books and notes!
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