In Kanpur, the first stop of the journey, the students visited the banks of Ganges, leather industry and Waste Management Plant of Kanpur, later assembling at IIT Kanpur. The visit to the second destination, Varanasi, spanned for two days in which the students visited Banaras Hindu University, Diesel Locomotive Works, Silk Industry and Ghats of Sarnath.
The two day visit in Bhopal constituted of the exploration of Bharat Bhawan, Sanchi Stupa, Bhimbetka, Lower Lake View and the Archaeological Museum.
In Gujarat, Ahmedabad and Surat’s popular sites were explored. The students explored the cultural heritage in Lothal Mohenjo-Daro Heritage Site in Ahmedabad along with Sabarmati Ashram. While in Surat, the Diamond Industry and Surat Municipal Corporation were visited.
After the expedition of the five destinations and exploring their heritage and industries, the students are supposed to make a project on the theme by choosing any of the selected topics which include Food Culture in Central India, Studies in Economy of Selected Cities and Living Varanasi – Culture, Tradition and Legacy.

Rishabh Jolly, a second year student of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, who was a part of this expedition said, “We visited so many industries that wouldn’t have been possible for us otherwise. All the colleges together at the same time meant a lot of interaction with so many different people from different background and courses.” According to him, the journey opened various horizons for the students which classrooms could never do. “In the archaeological museum in Lothal, a video about the civilizations which lived there, was played. It made us feel like we were in that time period. It was one of the best moments of the entire journey.” he added.
Image Courtesy: DU Official Website]]>
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