On Monday, 10th March 2014, the Delhi high court authorised the Daulat Ram College trust to appoint a new Principal of the college, instead of functioning under an acting principal. At present the college is being served by Dr. Daya Aggarwal, the acting principal of the college, who is the sister of BJP leader, Vijay Goel. The college moved to the court in order to seek evacuation of Dr. Daya Aggarwal, who was avowed as acting principal of college on February 2, 2013.
Delhi University had issued a notification regarding the appointment of a regular principal in the college on March 7, after an executive council meeting for the qualification. In response to which, Justice Shakdher disposed off the petition, stating that the college can now appoint a new principal.
The college trust accused that Dr. Aggarwal was “occupying” the post of acting principal without sanction or approval of the governing body while the University has been constantly interfering in appointment of the college principal and insisting the college trust to reappoint Dr. Daya Aggarwal as acting principal.
Her term was to expire in August. However, the trust alleged it was compelled re-appointment, regardless of the fact that she is not fit for the post. The college had to appoint an acting principal for terms of six months each on temporary basis and she was re-appointed to the post in August 2013 and then again in February 2014.
DU’s assertion to make Dr. Aggarwal hold the post despite being unsuitable for it, connotes that the university wants to exercise control over the college and encroach the autonomy of the college, stated Justice Rajiv Shakdher.
The college has also accused Dr. Aggarwal of misconduct and had bought many instances under the notice of university via letter and representations, but all went in vain. She is accused of not having the college accounts audited which led to University Grants Commission stopping the second installment of the grant to the college. She has also faulted in paying many hostel bills and salaries. She has flouted rules and transferred Rs. 4 crore, in the months of September and October, from student’s fee fund to pay teacher’s salary for two months.
Thus, after listening to both the parties, Justice Shakdher settled the dispute, asking the college to appoint a new principal, replacing the Dr. Aggarwal.
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