
Bazinga: DU to cap noise pollution during fests.

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Disclaimer: Bazinga is a piece of fiction, not to mention a funny one. Don’t re post it as BREAKING NEWS. We will use the Avifors spell and turn you into a bat.

Many times we measure the fun quotient of a DU college fest by the amount of noise it generates, by the number of surrounding colleges it disturbed and not the quality of music used to cause such commotion. The sources and decibel range of this noise goes from idle student gossip (about 50 decibels) to ‘star nite’ speakers (about 130 decibels)  with streetplay competitions somewhere in the middle, or the higher side depending on how close you are to the dholak.

While it is disturbing for many attendees, research has shown that this form of noise pollution sparks off a diabolical race to the highest decibel among colleges. Each college wants to set itself at the top of the noise pollution/ fun factor chart and this leads to volumes being cranked up to obnoxious levels. This has led the University to take action on all college fests banning the use of more than 2 speakers throughout the fest. What must also be noted is that the speakers can only be ordered from a particular vendor, one which the University controls and regulates. A tender to become a University regulated speaker vendor has been floated.

Students are outraged by this decision and have planned a ‘We will listen to music on our earphones outside the VC’s office!!’- form of protest against it. The earphones for this protest will of course be supplied by the DUTA. In addition to the earphones being red in colour and made in China, they shall also have ‘There is still time to roll back the FYUP… c’mon guys, please?!’ inscribed on them.

Disclaimer: Bazinga is a piece of fiction, not to mention a funny one. Don’t re post it as BREAKING NEWS. We will use the Avifors spell and turn you into a bat.

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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