In the wake of the upcoming Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) elections that are to be held in 2013-14, the Vice chancellor of Delhi University, Dinesh Singh, has appointed the chief officials who are responsible for conducting the same.
Prof. Ashok Vohra from the Department of Philosophy has been appointed as the Chief Election Officer, Prof. D.S Rawat from the Department of Chemistry as the Chief Returning Officer and Dr. Satish Kumar, Deputy Dean, from the University Information Centre as the Returning Officer for the DUSU elections 2013-2014 which includes holding positions as the office bearers and members of the Central University Council. VC has also appointed the Principals and Heads of the Institutions which are affiliated to the DUSU for the conduct of Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Central Council of DUSU in their respective colleges for the current year.
The Delhi University Students Union is the representative body of the students from most colleges and faculties. The elections see some aggressive election campaigning and have a long history of student politics. Apart from DUSU, which is an umbrella council, each college also has its own students union for which they hold separate elections.
DUSU elections are expected to be held some time in September wherein the students of the University and constituent colleges will directly elect the members of the council.
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