Will the B. Tech Degree offered by Delhi University be the same as the one offered by the regular engineering colleges? The Four-Year Undergraduate Programme has observed an academic metamorphosis of six courses, namely psychological sciences, electronics, instrumentation, computer science, food technology and polymer science from their early B.A or B.Sc form to B.Tech. The officials from Delhi University have claimed that the B.Tech degree would make one eligible for M.Tech courses in institutions such as IITs and NITs. The new B.Tech courses have attracted many students, the reason for which might hinge on the aforementioned claim. However, IIT officials deem it appropriate to doubt the veracity of the statement since the University has not communicated with them about this aspect. The officials are of the view that a thorough inspection of the four-year curricula and the merit of students is in order before they give their final word. While on one hand, there are optimistic affirmations that the engineering institutes might, after all, grant Delhi University graduates admission in M. Tech courses immediately after their graduation, on the other hand, the composition of B.Tech courses of Delhi University has come under scrutiny. Ordinarily, a B. Tech course in other institutions consists of 6-7 theory papers in the subject along with 4-5 practical/technical papers each in the first two semesters. Whereas under FYUP, each semester in the first year comprises of two papers, 4 foundation courses and one course on Gandhian Philosophy: Integrated Mind, Body and Heart. Another noteworthy impediment is the fact that a fresh staff, with technical background, required for the new technical courses has not been introduced. Yet another factor that adds to the inconclusiveness of the new pattern is its technical base that has been said to be drawn without any approval from All India Council for Technical Education. While most teachers refused to clarify this ambiguity, a teacher, closely associated with the formulation of the FYUP structure, responded, “I don’t think DU has got any approval from the AICTE. We mentioned this to our Head of the Department, but received no reply.” Similar belief has been reaffirmed by other publications, while the University has not thrown much light on the matter. What further needs to be noted is that admissions to the newly introduced Delhi University B.Tech courses require no entrance examination contrary to the system followed in other engineering colleges. The admission on the basis of cut-off hence acts as an attraction to students who didn’t make it in the competitive entrance and at the same time the quality of students who will pursue the course is put to question. The eligibility criteria in regular engineering colleges comes with the requirement of a science background in class 12. With the DU course however, even a humanities student can pursue a B.Tech degree. Students have also been apprehensive about the kind of placements that the course would offer without the AICTE approval and the lack of reputation as B.Tech training grounds in the market. Nonetheless, the University has made efforts to display the liaison of its new courses with those of engineering. For instance, the newly introduced electronics course has been “termed” as a close compatriot of the one taught at Delhi Technical University. Suryansh Chaudhary, a recent class 12 pass-out says, “Well it is cheap, a government institute and in Delhi! And unfortunately, other things don’t really matter.” The affordability factor is certainly one to think about. While other government engineering colleges might also offer a subsidised fee, the limited number of seats in these institutions certainly happens to be a problem. With the increase in demand for the B.Tech tag, the more the merrier seems to be the apt phrase here. Many students believe that they would prefer pursuing B.Tech at a regular engineering college because the curriculum is more ‘engineering-like’, is AICTE approved and promises better job prospects. There is no significant difference between the previous B.Sc. Computer Science and the new B.Tech Computer Science syllabus at Delhi University. Except the ‘B.Tech tag’, not many elements seem to have been changed. With a degree that is not AICTE approved and will be taught (similar to a B.Sc course) by the same staff that previously taught B.Sc and B.A. courses, whether it will actually make you an engineer is something to think about. As of now, we have can only study the progress of this much popularised Four-Year Undergraduate Programme to see whether it stands the test of time. Editor adds: The story is aimed at the new B.Tech courses at DU and not the B.Tech in Innovation programme started by Cluster Innovation Centre in 2011. We understand that the technical and practical approach in CIC’s methodology is unquestionable and well recognised. (Also see: Courses to Look out for: B.Tech under CIC)]]>
Shreya Bhardwaj
A psychology student with zero hypnosis skills (yes, false advertising). Apart from a purely ethical interest in literal madness, she digs Minds, bound by the contours of her field; Music, anything from The Barber of Seville to Candle In The Wind does for her; and Magic (potterheads would know). Technologically impaired and old school are her middle names. Also, the company of lenses and words is more than just fine by her. Lastly, she strongly believes that anyone who confuses Indraprastha College, where she studies, with Indraprastha University should be condemned to a painful life in Azkaban or worse, should be expelled.
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