Query: Hey Amma I am studying in hotel management college and I have no girlfriend but I want to make one still there is no girl around me what do I do please tell me…?
Response: Appaa, the above would have been sucche simble query to answer if this macchi was studying in an engineering collage. You want to make a girlfriend, build one da; it’s what those lads in engineering are doing. But the aforementioned chemeeen from chettinad is quite the desperado. So, here’s hoping a transformation from Raj Koothrapalli to Charlie Sheen.
Little one, come out make friends get to know the ladies around you. It is highly unlikely that there aren’t any girls in your cirgle of acquaintances. Like those extremely cheesy ads, can’t help going cheesy, Amma likes the fondue da; anyway, make friends with girls, girlfriends can come later on. Otherwise if you keep these current of current feelings on a high tide then let me tell you, girls will find you as shallow as the Mullaperiyar crisis!
Finally Amma likes it how this is a macchi- who is actually learning to cook those spicy dishes- needs Amma’s help to light the fire. Fear not, Amma is here to help you only da, yawl the best!
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