Day Two of NSIT Debating Festival, Colloquium 2013, was a silent affair if one goes by the façade of the building, yet the appearance was clearly deceptive because behind those walls lay the ground reality. The day witnessed the simultaneous conduction of NSIT MUN’13 and for the first time at the collegiate level, Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC). Before the start of the sessions, students, attired in formals, were engaged in animated political conversations and last minute doubt clarifications in a smart move to get to know one another.
JPC session commenced with a formal welcome to Smt. Sharada Subramaniam, Join Secretary, Rajya Sabha, who presided over the session, following which Ms. Subramaniam introduced JPC to the apprentice leaders. The first agenda on the floor was “Direct Cash Transfer Scheme.” On the agenda, the Executives gave their opening statements that triggered a streak of questions by the members of the legislatures. The deliberations went ceremonially, though now and then, impeded by the temporary break of decorum that could be safely blamed on the intensity of right and not-so-right arguments pouring in from all directions.
NSIT MUN Conference comprised of four committees and the agendas ranged from the outstanding dispute between Israel and Palestine to rebuttal of facebook’s niceties. The participants, new to Model United Nations forum, were well guided under the aegis of the executive board. Numerous constructive measures to the problems were proposed, many arguments were refuted, and many statements were followed by banging of hands on tables as appreciation for points well made. By and large, the Secretariat was not wrong when he said that The MUN is going to be “Something they’ll surely remember…”
Picture Credits:
Shreya Bhardwaj
[email protected]]]>
DU Beat
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