Day 3 of Histronica, a fest organised by the Dramatics Society of SRCC kicked off with their event ‘Charades’ which showcased plays by various colleges. The judges were Shibani Puri, a designer, director and an NSD alumnus and Dr M Sayed Allam who has had wide experience in acting, script writing and directing for over 25 plays. The event started with a play by LSR titled ‘Attempts on Her Life’ which had 4 actors taking the stage and performing with simple props. The play’s director, Ms Gajju said, ‘This is our annual piece, a play written by the British playwright Martin Crimp. We’ve been practicing for about 2 months now’. Next to perform was the dramatics society of Ramjas College, ‘Shunya’. Their self-composed play called ‘Saints and Sinners’ had a rustic appeal to it and the funny and witty dialogues kept the audience in splits of laughter. The play however ended on a serious note. After a short break, SRCC’s students took the stage with the play ‘Noises Off’ which was a Hinglish comedy about people rehearsing for a play. The funny script about a play in a play kept the audience hooked. The next event lined up for the day was a Mob Freeze organised by an NGO, Education Tree around the theme ‘Jo merahai, who merahai’ which basically stressed on a woman’s complete right over her own body. The informal events for Day 3 included a live performance by the band Faridkot which saw a large turnout. A Battle of the Bands competition was also held where the best band was awarded a music contract. “The entire event has received a very good response from colleges all across the University. We’ve had performances from some of the best dramatics societies and a lot of theatre enthusiasts have been attending the event as the audience. The play that received the best response from the viewers was “12 Angry Men”, by KMC. What we wanted to celebrate was the true spirit of theatre and hence the events were non-competitive. The judges did share their critique though, through a discussion with the students. We started working on Histronica from December last year and we’re happy with the kind of response we’ve got”, said Gauri Chandra, a first year Economics student in the Organising Committee. ]]>
Priyanka Banerjee
wants to live in a world where afternoon naps are completely acceptable, regardless of age and work profile. The Editor around here, she's currently studying Bachelor of Business Studies at DDUC. Now that she's in her final year, she looks forward to making fucchas do all her work. Drop her an email at [email protected]; for questions, feedback or just to say hello!
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