After the success of Sri Ram Economic Summit, the Economics Society of Shri Ram College organized its annual Economic Fest Ecostasy on the 11th and 12th of this month. A series of events charged with exhilarating challenges were lined up for the two-day extravaganza.
Day one of the fest saw prelims of events like Brand Aid, Econo-Vincere, Ecomplish, and Ecolumnist. Brand Aid, one of the most awaited events which tested the marketing potential of the participants, encompassed a total of three days with prize money of more than 10,000. Ecomplish had three rounds where candidates were given questions dealing with awareness, and skills of comprehension. CBS came up with the first prize in both these events. A team of two members were required in Econo-Vincere which was basically a case study event in which SRCC won both the 1st and 2nd prize.Ecolumnist constituted an economics-centered field investigation project where the teams had to visit a marketplace and observe the local economy there.
Rest of the events namely Monopoly, Share Dare, Encircled Notions and group of 20 were scheduled on the second day.In Monopoly participants had to play their way through a live Monopoly Board. Students from Hansraj College bagged the first prize here. The Model G-20 Summit “stimulated the actual conditions of a G-20 summit, providing opportunities for dialogue on national policies, cooperation, and international financial institutions.” The multi round event of Share Dare challenged the participant’s stock marketing skills wherethe speculative and analytical abilities of a team of two members were tested. Encircled Notion required individual teams to participate in Group Discussion where SRCC bagged the first prize.
Althoughthe turnout of participants was not as much as was expected, nevertheless the fest was quite successful in achieving its mission of “fostering innovation and encouraging ideas”.
Aishwarya Chaurasia
[email protected]
Image credits: Geetika Varshney
[email protected]
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