DUB Speak

Democracy in India: 1947 to Present?

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Now that the MBA entrances are over, it’s time for the Group Discussions, Interviews and so the preparations are in full swing. When it comes to mock GDs, there are always those clichéd topics that never seem to get old and make the students feel like they’ve hit the jackpot.

One such evergreen topic relates to the success (or the lack thereof) of democracy in India. This seems to ignite such passion in the contestants that the best you can do is to hide under your chair to prevent being caught in the crossfire as they try to rip each other’s throats out. But the one emotion that seems to stand out in such a heated discussion is the absolutely loathsome outlook that they share for the politicians across the country.

While some argued that the numerous scams that pop up each day spelled the death of democracy, yet others argued that it wasn’t irreparably damaged and that effective policies could go a long way in helping it rise from the ashes. One gentleman vehemently argued that there was no antidote, for the system had completely failed. He went on to add that India should emulate the American bipartisan system of democracy and that he would rather migrate to the USA than live in India. There were a few who tried feebly to counter his arguments but were soon convinced by his arguments and nodded meekly as they were swayed by his ‘eloquence’.

Conclusion: We’re tired of such rampant corruption and lack of even a shred of morality in the political structure of this country. But we’re much too involved with our own lives to take a step forward and own up to our responsibility; to ever make an active contribution to cleaning up the mess that is politics for the fear of tarnishing our own image by mere association.

That right there, I believe, is the death of democracy; where the people have the freedom to make a choice but don’t want to exercise it. If we can’t forgo our own selfish interests, regardless of what they might be, and choose to curse from afar, then why do we expect the politicians to put national interest ahead of their own needs? Be the change you want to see, isn’t it?


Surya Rajappan
[email protected]

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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