I am sure the title alone would make some of you think of quizzing as something to be afraid of. Well, many of us are. We think quizzing is only for the super intelligent or geeky people, don’t we? Well the age old plethora of serious questions would make anybody dread it. But not anymore.At Quiz society, SRCC, we make quizzing an enjoyable experience, which you would wish to relive year after year. Illume, the annual quizzing fest of QuizSoc SRCC is back, bigger and better. It will be a two day event from 28-29 January during which we will host seven quizzes in different genres. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t mugged up your history books or guzzled up G.K. journals. Whether you are a YouTube freak, Bollywood maniac, music lover or a nature enthusiast, Illume is the place for you. You name it, we have it. From biz domain to sporting world, from environment to Bollywood, from literature to cricket, we have it all. And the most challenging of all is the Fastrack Quiz, for those who know a little bit of everything. While the environment quiz is being sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, we have called in quizzing experts, Mr Vijay Menon and Mr Arnav Sinha for the other contests, to provide you with an enthralling quizzing experience. Registration is easy and quick, all you have to do is log on to the website, www.quizsocietysrcc.in, chose your preferred genre and register for a team of two. You could, and we would like you to, register for more than one genre. Do come, we have loads of exciting prizes to offer!!
Some of you may think that I am bragging a little too much, well yes I am, because I can afford to. The mega-success of the Quizignia, a general quiz, hosted by QuizSoc SRCC on 25th September 2012 saw the turnout of over 150 teams from different colleges in NCR. The huge response received during Quizignia and its subsequent successes, have inspired us to scale even greater heights for Illume. So hurry, don’t miss the chance and get yourself registered! As it is, we’ve already received over 100 registrations within the first week of the opening of the website!!
The schedule and a brief description of each quiz is given below:
January 28:
10:00 AM-Estadio, the Sports Quiz:We love sports, and we know you love sports. However, do you only watch the game, or do you actually know the game?
1:00 PM- Biz-Gust, the Business quiz:We’re a commerce college, and it’s only fitting that we host the best business quiz around. Come and explore new dimensions of the corporate sector!
3:30 PM- Mayapuri, the Bollywood Quiz: You watch movies, but do you REALLY watch movies? Yes, even Bollywood is filled with innumerable interesting facts. Come and find out more about it!
January 29:
9:30 AM- Biblios, the Literature quiz: No, this is NOT for Shakespeare and Munro fans. We want everyone to participate, so we’re keeping the list pretty standard. Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings, Dan Brown, and Chetan Bhahat. That’s it.
11:00 AM- Edens, the Cricket Quiz: Do I really need to explain this?
1:00 PM- FasTrack, the General Quiz: The showstopper. Nothing is off limits. Hence there’s every chance of you winning it as much as the next person.
3:30 PM- Ambiente, the Environment quiz: We all know about the critical state of our environment, and in our own way we try to spread as much awareness about it as possible. This quiz is a step in that direction.
So there you have it! 7 different quizzes, 7 different quizmasters, 7 different experiences. Come, battle your wits, and above all, have fun. Looking forward to seeing you at SRCC!
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