The past few years have seen a huge participation of the youth in Model United nations; so much so that it can even be called a revolutionary trend.
Among the countless MUNs held all year round, the Model United Nations by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDUCMUN) distinguishes itself from the others. The DDUCMUN 2012, scheduled for the 1st and 2nd September 2012 to be held at the Conference Centre in North Campus will host over 300 students from more than 200 schools and colleges from over 25 cities, as the delegates discuss and debate pertinent geo-politic agendas. After having organized a highly successful international MUN in 2011 which saw participation from over 400 students from 7 countries, the team behind it is back this year to give MUNers an even better experience.
This is an excellent opportunity for participants to discuss and debate over issues and draft resolutions in response to them. The Secretary General, Srishti Kapoor is an experienced MUNer with a passion for youth involvement in global issues, an opinion that is shared by the Convener, Dr. Nisha Rana who says, “In this era, we look towards the youth of the world as global citizens who with their enthusiasm, intelligence and spirit can overcome these obstacles. DDUCMUN 2012 is a step in this direction. ” Undoubtedly, this event promises to be an MUN to watch out for!
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