As the new batch of students started attending college from today, the 23rd of July, Delhi University has gone all out to enforce stringent anti-ragging measures, hoping to continue with the success of last year’s efforts when no ragging incidents were reported.
The DU website already declares its ‘Zero Tolerance to Ragging’ with posters informing students that ragging is strictly prohibited in all college, department and hostel premises. It also includes instructions on the Ragging Complaint Mechanism and the Anti-Ragging Helpline Number. Such posters have also been put up in metro stations. As per the University guidelines all colleges have set up individual Anti Ragging Cells and Squads to control and prevent such activities within the institutions.
The Delhi Police is also doinge their bit. Constables have been appointed outside colleges and specific metro stations to ensure ragging doesn’t take place even outside the campuses. Special attention has also been paid to colleges for girls, near which women cops will be stationed.
These measures are in addition to existing rules such as not allowing guests to stay at the hostels for the initial weeks, permitting students to enter their college only with Identity Cards and displaying anti ragging banners within the campus.
The University Grants Commission’s Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging include a long list of acts that constitute ragging. It includes any form of bullying, trauma, violence, abuse or embarrassment that may affect a student physically, sexually, mentally, emotionally or financially. The penalties for such activities have also clearly been mentioned. They include suspension, expulsion and cancellation of degree. In the year 2009 two students from Kirorimal College were expelled for ragging a junior, and a Mathematics student of Ramjas College was expelled last year.
Hoping to encourage healthy relations between seniors and juniors, many colleges are also organising induction programs during the initial days of the session. It is an opportunity for freshers to talk to their seniors about the college, course and faculty. A lot of freshers feel that such interactions are crucial in college life and most don’t consider ragging a problem unless taken too far. “Unless it’s extreme, ragging is just light hearted fun. If the seniors stay within the limit, I don’t think it’s too serious an issue “, said a fuccha for English Honours at Kamala Nehru College.
As is evident, Delhi University is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that students remain safe and protected and so that they can start their first few days on a happy note.
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