Third Year students of Hansraj College faced quite a shock when the chunks of ceiling of their classroom started falling during the course of a class on Wednesday, the 28th of July. Fortunately, everyone escaped unhurt.
The classroom in question, Room 5, of Hansraj College is located on the first floor, above which a whole new floor is under construction. This is not the usual classroom for Third year Economics students and was allotted to them temporarily as their usual classroom had been given to the new larger batch of first year students. A lecture was in progress when the plaster started falling on the students. An eyewitness said, “We rushed out of the class as soon as we realized that the plaster was falling from the ceiling. Soon after, a large chunk of the ceiling fell where one of our classmates had been sitting”.
Classes were suspended for the day due to the lack of a classroom. The next day, after much chaos and confusion, a new classroom was allotted to the students. However, there were only two fans in the room. Also the warm air from the vent of the auditorium AC flowed directly into this room, making it highly uncomfortable. “The new room given to us was an even bigger nightmare than the previous one. It was very hot which made it very difficult for us to sit inside, let alone concentrate on our lectures”, complained another student.
Hans Raj College
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