In an extreme attempt to eradicate indiscipline and disturbance from the college premises, Sri Venkateswara recently installed a new rule exempting students from using mobile phones in the classrooms and corridors for any purpose. The issued regulation warns students of strict disciplinary action for not complying with the stated rules. The students are dissatisfied with its installation. Says Aditya Gupta, “It doesn’t make sense. We can’t rush to the canteen every time we have to attend an important call.” The rule is said to have been activated in response to the teachers complaining of recurrent disruption in and outside classrooms during study hours. Also, there have been reports of the office allegedly misbehaving with the students charged accountable. Shijo George, a second year student of Sri Venkateswara says, “I was listening to my music on the earphones while coming to class when an office person snapped my phone’s cord, snatched my earphones and phone, and started taking it away without any explanation. This is not the way to treat college students; the caution could have been more dignified. Besides, framing someone who’s not even causing any disturbance doesn’t really help the case.” Another student, Hina Jethwani, was snatched of her phone while talking to the teacher to decide an extra class. While most colleges in Delhi University do not have these rules, it has been formerly applied in some colleges like St. Stephens. But activities like listening to music on the earphones and messaging when not in a lecture have not been barred whatsoever. Sri Venkateswara however has banned these as well, despite failing to mention so in the circular. This flaw has also attracted grievance from the students. Mrs. Ratna Raman, Head of the English Department, justified the rule stating, “These days, children get a mobile by the ninth grade. This frame of mind of being obsessively connected round the clock since such a young age has encouraged the phone to be used for frivolous activities. Thus the rule might be harsh, but people need to understand the contrast between a privilege and the infringement of rights and act accordingly. Also if the same rules can be adhered to in the theatre, then college implementing these regulations in a college shouldn’t be a complaint.”
Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.
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