Sri Venkateswara College, in collaboration with the Department of English, Delhi University; recently organized a three day national conference on Conflict, Belonging and ‘Multiculturalism’ in the Literature and Allied Arts from the 5th to the 7th of November. The three day event included a variety of sessions with the aid of a range of media like literature, cinema, theatre and story telling. The aim of the conference was to assess the overall context of the theme with respect to the migration and movement of people within the country and outside, and facilitate the exchange of ideas between people from different fields and interests resulting in a new approach and perspective on the related issue. While the keynote address was given by Shri Ashok Vajpayee, Chairperson of the Lalit Kala Akademi; the seminar saw participation by a number of renowned speakers, professors, writer, journalists and film makers from various states. The distinctiveness of the conference lay in the variety of the subjects of discussion which the theme included, including multiculturalism with context to books like The Inscrutable Americans, Harry Potter and The Crocodile Lady; and movies including Dor, The Blue Umbrella, Khamosh Paani et al. The role and impact of community, violence and politics on the theme were also analysed further in some sessions. Apart from this, a movie screening of Director Amar Kanwar’s unsettling yet eye opening story on sexual violence, ‘Lighting Testimonies’ was also done, later followed by a talk with the director himself. The three day event was successfully concluded by a vote of thanks and much appreciation by the speakers and addressees alike.
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