
Breaking Free

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Frustration, loss of relationship, remorse, conformity and escape are some of the pretexts addicts site for drug consumption. What they fail to anticipate is the harm they cause themselves and their family by this one reckless decision.

This was the message that AISEC wanted to convey to the students of Delhi University in a workshop held at Hansraj College. Through their event ‘Breaking Free’ they had former victims of drug abuse share the stories of their painful experience during the period of addiction and the difficult process of rehabilitation with. These former addicts were given an opportunity to explain their stories before a sympathetic audience. This was followed by an insightful address by Ms. Kiran Bedi in which she explained the multiple obstacles one encounters in overcoming this affliction and the important role a society plays in supporting the victims and upholding their will and spirit.

An effective though short five- minute presentation discussing the same was also screened. Ms. Priya Dutta, touched the central nerve of the issue by highlighting the necessity to separate the supposed cool quotient from drug usage which lures the impressionable youth. Another important point coming out of this exchange was the vicious nature of this addiction and the moral and spiritual vacuum it leaves within an individual.

The Question and Answer round brought forth a variety of queries from the audience, each of which was dealt comprehensively by the panellists.

Breaking free was an honest attempt to resolve a problem that, over the years, has spread alarmingly and become a plague devouring our younger generations. AISEC plans to follow up this concern by forming associations with NGOs and other such forums and organize further formal and informal discussions. This endeavour on their part shall hopefully not only rescue individuals and their families but salvage the society as a whole.

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