1. If you’ve every been to India Gate likely as not it was when you were a scrawny little baby and didn’t have much choice either way. You stopped the moment you could put your foot down right? Well how about, just this once you try and VISIT India Gate and the Amar Jawaan Jyoti, equipped with a wholesome sense of patriotism. Saluting it the same way Amir Khan did in RDB might draw you curious glances, but hey it’s a free country! Now in any case.
2. Okay, so we are really not asking you to bore yourself by reading books like Freedom at Midnight and Gandhi: My Experiments with Truth, etc. (not applicable for English Hons. Students- you my dears are specially expected to read the boring ones). Instead there are a few contemporary writers with a unique take on desipan which even the most allergic reader ought to go through on this special special day.
3. Take a day off from the crazy hectic city life, visit your grandparents and spend some time sitting beside them; sipping tea/ nimboo paani and listening to their respective nostalgic accounts of the freedom struggle (Whether they actually remember or witnessed it is immaterial, rest assured they shall somehow conjure up stories to tell)
4. For those who are neither readers nor good listeners, Google “Miss India”, sit back and ogle at the beautiful Indian women; This atleast ought to ensure strong feelings for India…100%
5. Honestly, if nothing else works, just order a packet of Desi Beats and enjoy the taste of desi-pan!!
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