1) DU is the modern day alternative to the Kumbh ka mela, so carry a map with you at all times.
2) A water bottle’s an absolute necessity unless you want to pass out of dehydration in the middle of the street. Don’t depend on sodas either-it’s difficult enough finding the colleges without having to look out for diminutive shops.
3) Maybe some day portable stationery stores will be invented that you can roll up and stick into your pocket, but till then, stuff your bag with everything that writes/erases/staples/sharpens/sticks and pray that it’s enough.
4) Unless you have a Polaroid camera, carry a year’s supply of passport size photos of yourself.
5) Get a million copies of all the documents of even the tiniest importance.
6) You don’t want to be burnt to cinders in the duration of your hunt, so make sure you’re properly armed with umbrellas/shades/sunhats and sunscreen
7) Yes, yes, we know it’s college yay! But before you jump into your new heels and strut off, be warned that there’s going to be a whole lot of walking, especially amidst huge jostling crowds, so it’d be advisable to stick to boring but comfy flats for now.
8) If your bag’s not full already, then throw in a deodorant as well. Though a strong body odour might work to clear the crowd, you know…
9) Seems a bit obvious, but don’t forget your cell phone in the pandemonium. Kumbh ka mela, remember..? Helps to stay connected in situations like that!
10) Carry this copy of DU Beat with you ALWAYS. You can read it when you’re bored, swat annoying people with it and fan yourself with it too! Yes, we agree, it is the best thing that’s happened to DU since banta.
Image credits: www.htcampus.com
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