The general body of the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) has decided to go on an indefinite strike, from the 15th of December onwards. This is a response to the Cabinet Ministry’s refusal to accede to the DUTA’s demand for page revision. The measure does not come as a surprise, if one was to go by the pattern of continued agitation and recurrent strikes in the varsity since August 2008.
Even as the teacher’s of both North and south campus unite in their stand and refuse to conduct classes, internal examinations are being held in a few colleges eg. LSR.
The association is also planning to organize large-scale dharnas in the various colleges on the 19th of December. However the DUTA has no intentions of boycotting the elections for the academic and executive councils scheduled for the same date.
In this conflict between the teacher’s and the government, the worst sufferers will be the students as the strike will directly disrupt their studies, more significantly so in the face of approaching examinations. Even as some students remain unperturbed or infact or rather delighted at the prospect of a “prolonged holiday’ the problem of rushed and incomplete syllabi plagues the majority.
We bring you the student’s take on the strike
“ I think in a way the strike is justified. Considering the fact that the professors make such an effort to complete the course, they are obviously entitled to a better salary. It would also serve as an incentive for the next generation who would be interested in becoming academicians, thus ensuring that the quality of teaching does not suffer”
-Antara Dasgupta,
1st year, chemistry hons
Sri Venkateswara College
“I think that while it is totally necessary that their salary be increased , I feel that they are going about demanding it in the wrong way. The message that comes across by this is that they don’t really mind if the students get affected, as long as their demands are fulfilled….”
– anonymous student,
Hansraj college
“” I feel that this isn’t a right way for them to be protesting for what they want. I am assuming that most DU colleges are running behind schedule which is not uncommon and the loss is generally made up by the end of the third semester. However at this rate,the students are at a great loss for the fear of appearing for their final exams purely on the basis of their own preparation. Rebellion is not the only way to get what one wants. If they have been fighting for the same purpose since five months there has to be a reason why the ministry is not giving into their demands”
-Shreiya Chaudhary, 1st year
English hons
“Untimely, but the “indefinite” DUTA strike is certainly not something I would crib about. It is unfortunate for some colleges who have their annual fests scheduled in the coming week. Also, slightly worrisome is the fact that it is the last week for us before college closes only to re open with the house exams. These strikes are pretty much a routine phenomenon so I’d reiterate that there’s nothing much to crib about.”
Aditi Malhotra
First year,
English hons
“I realize that the teachers are going on strike for a very valid reason, but with exams around the corner one tends to wonder if it will affect students adversely. Specially first years like me who are still a bit spaced out about some concepts”
Aina Matthew
First year, English hons
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