
WordSpill – A Monthly Creative Writing Competition

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DU Beat- An Independent Students’ Newspaper, in association with Random Magazine present

A monthly creative writing competition


Public latrines and the divine scent that encompasses us as we walk past these temples dedicated to filth; The much practiced art of picking individual nose hair from cooperative nostrils; Projectile spit of multiple colors that might just catch you smack in the eye in case you aren’t looking.

Quite disgusting, we agree. And Word Spill, the DU Beat writing competition is dedicated to just that. Who says brilliant literature can’t be shitty. In this case the shittier the better. We want the best written, most disgusting entry that your putrid little brain can conjure.

1st prize: Rs 3000
2nd prize: Rs 2000

Winning entries would be published in the “RANDOM” magazine.

Email your entries to [email protected]
All entries should be emailed as word documents and subject line should be ” WORDSPILL”
All entries must be original and not more than 600 words.

The competition is open to everyone

Last date for entries is 15th august. HURRY!!
Winning entries to be announced on the 19th of august in the DU beat issue

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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