By Aniruddh Ghosal
When you organize a large scale photography competition, you often have to answer questions whose answers you don’t really know. For example one participant mailed in asking us, “If we click somebody’s picture then we need permission for it, but what if we click a body part?”. We quite naturally hadn’t thought of such a question arising. But somehow, a dozen and a half phone calls later we managed to give the participant an equally flummoxing reply about case laws and unique style.
Another email that we recieved was a lot like the previous mail in its ability to confuse your befuddled editor, but thankfully it did not deal with body parts.
Instead it read: “Why do our principals screw up so much?”
Now such an email normally goes hand in hand with a name, college…so on and so forth. But this cryptic reader of ours chose to only reveal the fact that he or she is a Delhi University student.
Nothing more. Absolutely nothing.
My brilliant brain noted the plural that was used and quite emphatically deduced that the messenger was talking about more than one principal in the University. But the question remained– who could it be?
There are certain possibilities though. Principal by day, conjurer by night…this man has the ability to flash doctorate degrees out of absolute emptiness. Our second suspect is often found organizing alumni meets while indulging herself in obsessive & selective construction work on the outside of the college. Our last suspect is said to be half magpie as his ability to seek out shiny objects is second only to his brilliant money retaining skills.
It remains a mystery though. Who could it be. Did our elusive reader refer to all three of the above suspects in the laconic email or were there more suspects that we did not take into account.
The facts are laid out dear readers, we await your conclusions.
Aniruddh Ghosal
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