
Talking Tarot

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Aries: you might want to be in charge of everything this week. Don’t refuse to look at new approaches and let go. Avoid being possessive in personal relationships and learn to live in the present.

Taurus: you have learnt to strike a balance and are able to get people to work together. You do something you truly enjoy this week and are free to try new approaches. Energy is the key word this week.

Gemini: you work hard to achieve the very best. It’s a great time to acquire a new skill or craft. Pay extra attention to details especially in work related projects. Be careful about ignoring personal relationships.

Cancer: you know you can endure as well as maintain composure. Try to understand what others are feeling and learn to accept imperfections. You are in a position of responsibility in the work sphere.

Leo: you find opportunity everywhere and attract wealth. Encourage the accomplishments of others. Avoid mood swings and maintain your calm. You are dependable in relationships.

Virgo: You lack direction and focus. Also it might be a stage where you are unsure of which way to turn. All you need is guidance and clarity. Don’t wait for someone to rescue out of a situation but learn to help yourself.

Libra: you get caught up in change this week. There is finally a successful resolution and you manage to complete unfinished business. Expect an important message this week.

Scorpio: let your heart lead the way and don’t hesitate to express yourself. This is a time where you feel you are getting close to someone. Trust your intuition, both at work and in the personal sphere. You get rid of all the negativity this week.

Sagittarius: you stand firm against opposition and resist compromise. You might be slightly reluctant to try something new and prefer the safe path. Your nature of being inflexible and compulsive might be a hindrance in achieving your goals.

Capricorn: this week you’ll have a personal moment of glory and achieve prominence. You know you can succeed and are confident. You enjoy great health all throughout this year. Be careful about getting too attached to anyone.

Aquarius: you need to close one door to open another. Cut out what isn’t necessary. It’s a phase where change is inevitable. Put the past behind you and enjoy the present moment.

Pisces: don’t try to run away from responsibility. You control the situation without appearing to. You might feel you don’t need anyone else right now. Deceiving someone close to you might add to your problems and burden.

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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