Switched at Birth is a television teen/family drama series by ABC Family. Created by Lizzy Weiss, the one-hour scripted drama revolves around two teenagers who were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments. It is the first mainstream television series to have multiple deaf and hard-of-hearing series regulars and scenes shot entirely in American Sign Language.
The story is intriguing, the script is spectacular and the on-screen display of talented star cast is just awesome. Talking about the storyline, Bay Kennish is an artistic teenager being raised by her stay-at-home mother Kathryn and former professional baseball player father John in the wealthy Kansas City suburb, along with her older brother Toby . After genetic testing that confirms Bay is not biologically related to her parents, the family discovers that the hospital mistakenly switched Bay with another newborn, Daphne Vasquez , a deaf teen who lost her hearing as a result of meningitis, living with her struggling single mother, Regina in the low-income neighborhood of East Riverside .When the two families meet, the girls struggle with their identities as Bay relates to Regina’s artistic abilities and Daphne is drawn to John’s athletic skills and to Kathryn’s cooking abilities. The new living situation forces the girls, along with both families, to understand their differences and embrace their similarities.
The series’ debut was the highest-rated show debut for ABC Family till date. Through some creative writing, brilliant planning and equally brilliant execution, this show has managed to create a unique audience for itself and is a must watch if you like this genre. Currently, the show, which is over 50 episodes old, is in it’s third season and growing stronger with each new episode.
Switched at Birth is known for its emotional episodes and inspiring messages.As a viewer and a fan , one is guaranteed to get all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings while watching this one-of-a-kind TV series, thanks to Bay (Vanessa Marano) and Daphne’s (Katie Leclerc) always-endearing chemistry. Tune out the rest of the world and let this one sink in!
Image courtesy: fanpop.com