With cricket fever as rampant as ever on the eve of the India-South Africa Test series, DU’s first inter college cricket tournament for this session came to an end on the 2nd of November 2015. The tournament that commenced on the 27th of September was yet again an exemplar of the budding talent that exists in the DU cricket circuit. The 41 matches that were played in the conventional 50 over format saw 7 centuries, 47 half centuries, over 550 wickets and nearly 11,500 runs scored making it one of DU’s finest tournaments till date. Ashish Tokas was the tournament’s top scorer scoring over 300 runs in total whereas Navendu Sharma was the bowler to watch out for having claimed 21 wickets. Victories on average were by a narrow margin, with the match between SGND Khalsa College and NSIT ending with the former winning by only a single run, but some matches also saw massive differences in score lines. Shaheed Bhagat Singh defeated Zakhir Hussain by 163 runs after they themselves lost to Deshbandhu by a 140 runs in the initial stages of the tournament.
The grand finale on the 2nd of November was played between the two teams who have established themselves as the powerhouses of the DU cricketing circuit over the last couple of years. Swami Shraddhanand College defeated their archrivals Aryabhatta for the third consecutive year in a row to retain the bragging rights for one more year. With an impressive target of 301 set in the first innings and an excellent display of bowling, Swami Shraddhanand cruised to victory defeating Aryabhatta by 103 runs and completed a hatrick of University titles.
Featured Image credits- CricketGraph
Shraman Ghosh
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