A student of Philosophy Hons 3rd year at LSR, Anisha Ahmed, was tested positive for the dreaded Swine Flu early last week. Her friends immediately informed the faculty upon which the college decided to take preventive measures to keep it from spreading.
In a special assembly called by the principal, Dr. Meenakshi Gopinath, the students were informed about the first detected case of Swine Flu at LSR and urged not to panic. Dr. Gopinath announced that the entire 3rd year batch of Philosophy Hons. Students will get a week’s leave with full attendance from college. Moreover professors who have taught Anisha will also be taking a week off. Students in the Dance Society of which Anisha was a part and those who traveled with her to or from college have also been granted leave.
This swift action is merely preventive in nature, Dr. Gopinath explained. The students on leave will take the time to take stock of their health and make sure they are not harbouring the infection. She also requested other students who may have been close to Anisha or shared space with her to inform the college in order that they may take leave as well and not risk endangering the other students. Anisha’s close friends have already been to get themselves tested and one of them has been declared clear of the infection. The other’s results are still awaited.
Interestingly enough Anisha was suffering from none of the symptoms when she was tested for the HINI virus. She claims to have merely gone to get herself tested because a close friend of hers had caught the disease. She is now resting at home under quarantine and though appreciative of any preventive measures the college might take, feels there is no cause for panic. Upon being asked whether the swine flu hysteria is justified she is vehement in her response. “Not at all”, she said when DU Beat contacted her over the phone. “Swine flu is like any other flu. I feel perfectly normal and hardly have any symptoms at all. The saddest part about it is that I am confined to one room. Now I’m just whiling away the time watching movies”, she laughs.
Dr. Gopinath is of the same opinion as to the flu scare. In her address to the students she emphasized the need to keep calm. She stated that only if students begin to panic will the college and hostel have to close down.