Delhi University has recently introduced the Meta College concept in the form of a B.Tech. Humanities Course, which is open for application to any student enrolled in any course at any college/SOL/Non-Collegiate Programme of the University of Delhi. The concept basically works on the idea of designing your own degree.
The Cluster Innovation Centre, or CIC, has designed a course which while allowing a student to gain competencies in core areas required in any corporate role today, also give the freedom to study and explore areas in various fields of study. Students will be given the choice to choose courses to specialize in a particular stream such as Journalism, Education, Historical Tourism, Counseling and Art and Design and will also have the liberty to choose appropriate professions for themselves. The course plans to emphasize learning through hands-on projects, virtual learning and group based activities rather than relying exclusively on class room learning.
The first and the last semester of this four-year course will be compulsory for all students regardless of their stream choices, with the first semester consisting of papers such as The Art of Communication and Mathematical Awareness. The last semester, on the other hand will focus on papers like Legal Literacy and Social Enquiry. The University also organized Open Days on 7th August at S. P. Jain Auditorium, South Campus and on 8th August at the Conference Hall, North Campus for any queries on the same.
The introduction of this course is a bold move and hopefully, the first amongst many which are needed to bridge the gap between interests and opportunities. Applications for the course are open on the Delhi University website till 17th August. The admission procedure involves an one hour written test with multiple choice questions, followed by an interview of the shortlisted students.