So what happens after the founder of the company who is like beer in a bottle flows out after being opened? Does he end up in a wine glass or in a glass which is not there at all?
That was exactly the dilemma of Shawrya Mehrotra, he flowed out of the beer bottle into the perfect glass but just like beer needs chakna to be enjoyed with it, he too needed a co-founder.
After spending months looking for his co-founder Shawrya finally roped in Rajan Luthra. Initially Rajan joined as the influencer head, but Shawrya soon found his chakna and Rajan was made the co-founder.
In a nutshell TVF|Pitchers never stopped inspiring Shawrya and Rajan.
A platform which defines people near you isn’t a new idea, but looking at our generation caught up with the crave and lust for electronic screens, Shawrya was aspired to bring nostalgic face to face interactions back. He wanted a platform where technology brought people together for a real conversation, quickly and conveniently.
Within months not only did he come up with Metvy but made it one of the most sort after internships for summer on the Delhi University campus with more than 30 students interning from SRCC, St. Stephens, Kirori Mal, LSR etc. in various departments.
Metvy is a real time networking platform focused on making strangers in the same vicinity with similar interests and networking needs interact face to face. Currently its being mentored and backed by Mr. Alok Jain, former vice president of Wipro Technology, Founder of various companies like CareerCo and BootStrap Foundry.
The idea has won many B-Plans in the past year and in the past couple of weeks has received attention from various premier and international institutions including NASSCOM, London Business School, London School of Economics, IIM-Ahmedabad etc.
Releasing in August 2018 Shawrya’s idea has already gained traction and is being approached by multiple VC’s and Angel Investors.
Do checkout Metvy and give them a shoutout.
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