Students of Maitreyi college – Shrishti Mishra along with Anjali Mehra, Hitayu Bhardwaj and Rakshita Singh organised an event to celebrate International Women’s Day on 9th March. The theme of the program was ‘Yes I Can Because.. I Am A Woman – Celebrating Womanhood’ The college premises came alive with the signature campaign. Two competitions, namely Poetry and Poster making were organised to bring out the best of the creative students. Each competition had 15 talented participants from different streams. The winner for the poetry competition was Komal from the Commerce Department and the winner for the Poster competition was Tanisha Garg from Sociology. Image Credits: Kritika Narula & Shrishti Mishra Kritika Narula [email protected] With Inputs from Shrishti Mishra]]>
On the occasion of International women’s Day, different colleges across DU curated different events to celebrate womanhood.
The Women Development Cell, Indraprastha College for Women, in collaboration with Men Against Violence and Abuse (MAVA) in lieu of celebrating International Women’s Day held a feminist film festival in the college Seminar Hall from 11 AM onwards in a one of a kind film festival. MAVA’s ‘Sama-bhav’ Film Festival showcased films on Gender, Masculinity and Relationships. To name a few, these were Broken Image by Aravind VK, Raising Men by Gauri Adelkar, The Boxing Girls of Kabul (Canada)among others. a short interaction followed each of the films screened.
The film festival was followed by a Khula Manch Competition that powered a discourse on whether the Indian Democracy has failed its women. Through rounds of competitions, Shaonlee Patranabis, Dipanwesha And Mayra bagged the first, second and third prize respectively. The celebrations ended with a fun, cultural evening with the minds behind #PinjraTod.
Students of Maitreyi college – Shrishti Mishra along with Anjali Mehra, Hitayu Bhardwaj and Rakshita Singh organised an event to celebrate International Women’s Day on 9th March. The theme of the program was ‘Yes I Can Because.. I Am A Woman – Celebrating Womanhood’
The college premises came alive with the signature campaign. Two competitions, namely Poetry and Poster making were organised to bring out the best of the creative students. Each competition had 15 talented participants from different streams. The winner for the poetry competition was Komal from the Commerce Department and the winner for the Poster competition was Tanisha Garg from Sociology.
Image Credits: Kritika Narula & Shrishti Mishra
Kritika Narula
With Inputs from Shrishti Mishra