
Digital Media


The Entrepreneurship cell in association with iMet Global and Campus Connect (powered by smartech labs) organized iSocial’s Career Awareness 2016 drive on New Age Jobs in Digita-Social media and E-commerce on 26th October, 2016 at Motilal Nehru College.

Various facts of a career choice and its determining factors such as aptitude and interest, lifespan of career, commercial resources, availability of opportunities, academic potential and other aspects such as digital and social media marketing were explained through relevant examples.

Digital Marketing is becoming a mainstream in India. A digital professional, or specialist is often responsible for developing strategy used in marketing a company’s product online, utilizing such techniques in the fields as social media, web analytics, email marketing and search engine optimization among others.

Here’s is a list of the various digital marketing positions available for those seeking a career in this arena:-

1)   Digital Marketing Manager

2)   Content Marketing Manager

3)   Content Writer

4)   Social Media Marketing

5)   SEO Executives

6)   Copy Writers

7)   Web Designers and many more.

The workshop began with an introduction of our well-known speaker Mr. Nishant Sharma followed by Mr. Deepak Goel, a strategic driver of BFG Corporation. He suggests students to choose fields which suits their interest and how such choices make it easier for them to grow and build a successful career.

Thus, this was one of the most interactive and appreciated workshops. Overall, the session was very useful to judge one’s skills and move in the direction where one can achieve their ambition as well as enjoy their career.