Meet an entrepreneur to get inspired by. Explore with Aditya Arora the insights into the entrepreneurial world.
Aditya Arora is a promising young entrepreneur, CEO of Faad Network, and an alumnus of Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (SSCBS). He started his journey at the young age of 17, and is now a well-known name in the industry. We sat down with him to know about his journey and his insights into the entrepreneurial world.
Here are some excerpts from the interview:
Shreya: Tell us something about yourself and your journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur at this very young age.
Aditya: I was very academically focused in school and got SSCBS, which was my dream college. In SSCBS, I pursued Bachelors in Finance and Investment Analysis. Apart from studies, I was a part of the Economics Club, and debating society as well. It was in second year when this company called Faad came into my college during an internship fair where I eventually interned during summers. It is in those two months of working with Faad that I learned what exactly entrepreneurship is, and also what are the different traits of it. The internship got converted into first, a part-time opportunity and then a full-time opportunity and by the end of the college, I was the CEO of the company.
Shreya: Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a job or studying further?
Aditya: So it wasn’t mandatory to do internship during my second year. Thus, it was the perfect time to explore all possible options and figure out what works best for me. And it was always in my second nature to do something different from what the others were doing. My internship with Faad totally changed the game for me. I always say this about my journey that I had thousand reasons to not become an entrepreneur but my internship gave me so many reasons why I should become an entrepreneur. It has helped a great deal in shaping who I am today.
Shreya: What are the difficulties you faced in this journey?
Aditya: The biggest difficulty I faced was that of the mindset. An entrepreneurial mindset is different from others. It is supposed to be more risk-taking, more creative and more analytical, and of course, the ability to bounce back from failures. Building this mindset was the biggest challenge. Convincing my parents and my peers that I want to be an entrepreneur as opposed to doing MBA or taking up a job was another big challenge. My parents are from non-entrepreneurial background so it was difficult convincing them. Constant travel and time-management was another difficulty which I wasn’t used to.
Shreya: Entrepreneurship is a risky field to be in. What are the skills, according to you, one must possess to be a successful entrepreneur?
Aditya: Risk is everywhere. Thus I didn’t see entrepreneurship as very risky because I see risk in everything. The most important thing to possess is the passion and vision to become an entrepreneur, because it is not going to be an easy journey. Secondly, time management is one of the most crucial skills to possess. And finally, it is necessary to have an open mindset. Society feeds us with a script of life. But if you have an open mind, you can make things work the way you want them to work.
Shreya: How can one bounce back from failures in life?
Aditya: I firmly believe in the quote that the best way to deal with failure is to not see it as one. Once you start looking at them as an opportunity, the spectrum changes totally because then you know that if A didn’t work, then B will. As I said before, having the mindset of bouncing back from failure is indispensable to an entrepreneur. If you have the tendency to give up after a failure, you are perhaps not cut out for entrepreneurship.
Shreya: Tell us something about your social campaign ‘Education Yatra’.
Aditya: It was a social campaign I started wherein I just wanted to go out there and spend some time with the underprivileged kids, understand their mindset, and teach them. I used to partner with some NGOs that have been doing deep work inside the community for years. I went to these places called learning centers where students from different classes come and study together. The motive of “Education Yatra” was that a child shouldn’t be given education based on his/ her class but on the basis of their knowledge capability. A 9th standard kid can have a mindset of a 4th standard student and also vice-versa. For this campaign I got awarded by Microsoft and now I am getting an award from UN for the same. My motive is to spread this idea to as many places as possible.
Shreya: At last, what are your future plans and how will you go about from now?
Aditya: I honestly do not have a concrete future plan to tread upon because life has changed so quickly for me in the last four to five years that I don’t really plan a lot of things. But, I do have a vision which is to support and empower young people around me. This is my mission. Currently, I want to grow Faad further and that’s what I am currently involved with.
Feature Image Credits: Aditya Arora
Shreya Agrawal