Cascade, the annual national level seminar of Department of Commerce, Gargi College was held on 1st November 2017. The theme of this year’s seminar was ‘GST: An Epoch-Making Revolution’. It was thoughtfully themed on Goods and Services Tax, which is the current talking point in India regarded as a revolutionary step in the indirect taxation regime.
In pursuit of the theme, the fest was structured into the formal seminar and informal events.
The formal event was graced by Mr. Sachin Jain, Additional Commissioner, GST South Delhi Zone as the Chief Guest and four panelists: Mr. Ram Singh, Professor of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, Mr. Amit Bhagat, Partner in Tax and Regulatory Services, PWC India, Dr. Sanjiv Agarwal, FCA, FCS, ACIS(UK), Managing Partner in Aggarwal Sanjay Co., Mr. VikashDugar, Chief Financial Officer, Ashiana Housing Ltd., and Mr. Vivek Gaba( Moderator),a Chartered Accountant.
The formal event commenced with the felicitation of the speakers by the Commerce Association team followed by the release of Comascent magazine.
Carrying the event forward, Mr. Sachin Jain addressed the audience with a presentation on GST and gave a glimpse of key areas of changes in the indirect taxation law post the implementation of GST.
The panelists engrossed the audience with an impactful discussion. They delved on the impact of GST on economic growth, profits and gain of business houses, and real estate sector. Further, a comparison between GST and pre GST indirect taxation law was also brought to the table. The discussion drew important questions from the audience on the lines of anti-profiteering law, inclusion of petrol and diesel under GST’s ambit, and impact of GST on the education sector.
The informal event consisted of four interesting and carefully picked competitions: Make it or Break it, Managers of Mayhem, Think Tank, and Mind in Motion. These competitions were tagged with attractive prizes worth Rs. 1, 10, 000 and certificates. An overwhelming participation was witnessed from across various colleges of Delhi University as well as other institutes such as Symbiosis, Noida. The procedure of selection of teams comprised of an online preliminary round where 80 teams had registered out of which 14 teams were shortlisted for the on-campus rounds. The teams were judged by the alumni of Gargi College.
Cascade 2017 was highly appreciated by the participating students and faculty members for acting as a thorough knowledge sharing platform and organizing interesting competitions for the students.