Every year around this time, Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU) election approaches and so the campus also starts to get littered with posters and pamphlets. Posters can be seen on walls all over the campus and pamphlets scattered throughout the roads.
But it is a matter of fact that very few are aware of National Green Tribunal’s order directing the University to ensure that no paper is used for campaigning on campuses and also it is prohibited to use printed materials for purpose canvassing according to Code of Conduct of DUSU elections.
So realizing it’s responsibility, Panchtatva – The environment society of Hindu College under the guidance of its convener Dr. Anuradha Sharma, took out a Paper collection drive with 50 members of Panchtatva throughout the campus. The objective of such a drive was to collect the littered paper pamphlets and posters so that they could be sent for recycling later and also to promote clean environment around the campus inspired by the Prime Minister’s visionary Swacch Bharat Abhiyan.
Dr. Anuradha Sharma, the convener of Panchtatva society, Hindu college said that it is the responsibility of each student to realize their duty towards the university and ensure to speak up and join hands together to prevent such wrongful practices in the University.
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