Reid Hoffman once said, “an entrepreneur is someone who will jump off a cliff and assemble an airplane on the way down.”, the founding team of E-Cell Ramjas took him at his word as they sketched their launch pad event roughly ten days before its implementation. Fighting against all odds, the team put together 500+ students and 30+ companies making The Internship Fair 1.0 a grand success! ‘ – Cover
The Startup Edge- Entrepreneurship Cell, Ramjas College organised an Internship Fair on 15th November 2016. The fair witnessed a chock a block participation of more than 500 students hailing from several states and varied educational backgrounds who thereby availed a chance to be interviewed by the HRs of 32 companies, startups and NGOs ranging from First League Ventures to Karma circles, DU Beat to Visok Advisors and Yoddhas to WWF. Approximately 3500 walk in interviews were conducted and 250 CVs were submitted to the online hub for evaluation by 10 elite brands. Also, the event’s training partners Internshala & Talerang guided the students on CV making.
Being the society’s first event, The Internship Fair 1.0 became the stage for its inauguration. The principal of Ramjas College, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, officially proclaimed the society by cutting the ribbon and reinforced our Prime Minister’s initiative of ‘Startup India, Standup India.’ Along with the Principal and Vice Principal , the event was attended by supreme faculties of Ramjas College such as Dr. PC Tulsian and Dr. ND Vohra and the Secretary of DUSU, Mr. Amit Sangwan.
At the conclusion of the event, the founder of Clado and an alumni of SRCC asserted, “This is the best internship fair I have ever perceived” Alike were the thoughts of the founder of Esmee network who appreciated the quality of participants by saying,” I have been paying several websites in order to find interns but none could compare the quality I found at Ramjas.” The team of Clazzez professed that they ended up selecting double the number of people they initially planned on hiring. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, being flooded with positive reviews, congratulated the E-Cell Team and invited collaboration proposals from several NGOs and startups.
In the words of the president of the society, Sunny Garg, “ The Internship Fair 1.0 accorded E-Cell Ramjas with mass recognition, a strong startup network, an indomitable spirit and most importantly, a high fervent and proficient team that shall lead the society to newer heights!
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