The Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC) organised an educational trip to the Israel Pavilion at the India Water Week on April 7, 2016. The students also attended a special panel discussion on the role of universities in the water solutions’ ecosystem, and how the Israeli model can be applied to India.
The India Water Week, 2016, was organised by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India, and FICCI. The State of Israel was the foreign partner. The exhibition showcased various flagship programmes of the central and state governments, like Namami Gange, Narmada Valley Project, Sujalam Sufalam, and many more.
The students were explained various technological interventions undertaken by the government of Israel, like desalination plants, water management, and drip irrigation systems to name a few. The students then attended a special panel discussion on role of universities in the water solutions’ ecosystem. The panel included many experts from universities like the Jawaharlal Nehru University and University of Delhi, academicians, and government officials from Israel who had been a part of the water resource programme of the Israel government. The speakers discussed various initiatives that they had undertaken in institutions like JNU, IGNOU, and the Research and Referral Hospital of Indian Army for water resource management in India, and also about initiatives taken in Israel. This was followed by a question – answer session in which many audience members enquired about various available solutions for water management.
The discussion ended with the students receiving campaign T – Shirts. “These type of events must take place across the country because water scarcity is a problem India is definitely going to face in the coming times,” said Nandlal Sumit, a student of CIC.
Image Credits: Srivedant Kar for DU Beat
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