Delhi University on Monday announced the official schedule for the Delhi University Students Union 2013-14 elections.
The last date for students to submit nomination papers has been declared as 4th September till 3 p.m. and the final list of candidates will be announced on 6th September, post which no student can withdraw their nomination.
The actual voting will take place on 13th September and separate timings have been allotted for day and evening colleges.
The nomination papers for the DUSU posts would be available from the DU website while for the central council applicants could obtain the same from the colleges and the departments concerned.
On Saturday, VC Dinesh Singh had also declared the chief executives who would be responsible for the execution of the elections this year.
Prof. Ashok Vohra from the Department of Philosophy has been appointed as the Chief Election Officer, Prof. D.S Rawat from the Department of Chemistry as the Chief Returning Officer and Dr. Satish Kumar, Deputy Dean, from the University Information Centre as the Returning Officer for the DUSU elections 2013-2014 which includes holding positions as the office bearers and members of the Central University Council. VC has also appointed the Principals and Heads of the Institutions which are affiliated to the DUSU for the conduct of Election of Office Bearers and Members of the Central Council of DUSU in their respective colleges for the current year.
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