Campus Central

Colloquium – NSIT’s debut Debating and Literary Fest

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While all colleges usually boast of their own fests in a very boisterous manner, we at NSIT believe otherwise. We truly believe that our actions will speak louder than words can ever hope to establish. But we’ll give our best shot at an explanation nevertheless. Colloquium – NSIT’s debut Debating and Literary Fest promises a feast for all those out there waiting for an intellectual space to interact in. If you miss this, then know that you’re truly missing a unique and once in a lifetime experience (well we know we’ll do this again next year, and the year after that, and keep getting better at it…but you get the gist of it right?) Scheduled from 29th to the 31stof March, the fest will be feature events like never before. For the first time in collegiate level,Colloquium will host a JPC – Joint Parliamentary Committee – an Ad hoc committee simulation to investigate into the matters of a national crisis (the provided agenda). The committee will be presided over by Smt. Sharada Subramaniam, Joint Secretary, Rajya Sabha. Apart from the classics and the usual plethora of events like the Conventional Debate and the Literary Quiz the fest will also have a case study competition Crack the Case. Continuing the tradition, after the immense success of NSITMUN ’12, the second edition of NSITMUN this time will have four committees to choose from and will be held as a part of Colloquium as well. The other major attractions are Graphic Novel – a one of a kind event, where one can interact with their comic idols, the first speaker for which is none other than Pran Kumar Sharma, the leading pioneer of Indian Comics and the creator of ChachaChaudhary, followed by AkshayDhar of Comic Addicts fame. The most awaited and premier event of Colloquium will bethe‘Panel Discussion’ with speakers like author Mr. AshwinSanghi and dancer par excellence Mrs. Mallika Sarabhai honoring us with their participation and sharing with us some wise words. So, rest assured, this is one fest you wouldn’t want to miss. So mark the dates on your calendar folks! For further information visit:  ]]>

Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.

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