Event : Tarang
Venue: Lady Sriram College For Women
DU is yet again coming back to life with the onset of the fest season and with less than a week left for the LSR annual fest TARANG, dance, music and drama have already infected the air around!! The inaugural fest of DU promises a series of the most engaging events which shall see participation from colleges across DU.
The fest is a three day long affair commencing on the 13th of November. The first day itself has much action in store ranging from the western music competitions to the classical dance competition, from the street play competition to the western dance competition. A literary marathon and Hindi poetry recitation competition is also lined up for that day. The Indian music competitions shall be held on the following day along with the much awaited and much attended choreography competition. The second day also includes a Hindi debating competition, an elocution contest and an English creative writing competition. An interesting contest is the script writing competition held by the WDC (Women’s development cell) on the same day. There will be the most thrilling rock band performances on the first two days of the fest. The stage play competition will be held on the final day along with the rangoli making contest, English debating competition, movie making competition, the quiz contest and the Ad mad event. The fest will conclude with the DJ night, which is generally the most sought after LSR event.
The fest season is finally here and the colleges are gearing up to battle it out. It will be interesting and entertaining to see who reigns! The dance, drama and music has just begun so unleash the excitement, anxiety and ecstasy.
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