In a move that will come as a relief to thousands of final year students awaiting their semester 6 results for purposes that include VISA applications and Masters’ applications, the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) decided to exempt the evaluation of the answer scripts of the erstwhile FYUP, that is, final year students from its protest action of evaluation boycott. At the same time, it has called for an intensification of protest and movement for the roll back of the API based promotion scheme.
The recent protests by DUTA resulted in the government backing out on the recent policy that would have resulted in an increase in the teaching hours required from each teacher, and would also lead to potential loss of employment for several of them. However, the government decided to continue with the API based promotion scheme, which, according to DUTA has proven to adversely affect teaching and learning. Another reason cited for the intensification of protests is the denial of permanent appointments and promotions of teachers for the last several years.
The intensification of protest will impact the first and the second year students, with the continued boycott of the evaluation of their answer scripts. It will also have serious ramifications for the upcoming admission process, with DUTA vowing to boycott all aspects of it.
Feature Image: The Hindu
Shubham Kaushik