1 PM has the lingering quest of being one of the most ignored hours of the day, for a lot of us and let us explore how!
Bringing in a little personal excerpt before diving into the article.
‘I look at the clock rounding about to at least six to seven times a day, or maybe even more. The little gizmo in my hand keeps me up to beat about the time. The first time I peer at my clock is when I have woken up, which is usually around 8-9 AM on the weekends, being an early bird for the morning classes in the weekdays.
The next time would probably be around eleven or twelvish when I have completed the morning routines and have set my mind to work or plan out a way to relax, if I am into the aura of celebrating two free days. There are days when my eyes catch the clock treading on like a steam boat at the 12:57 mark, or sometimes, lucky me at dot 12:59, but never ever at 1 PM. It is this hour of the day which just vanished without me being responsible for noticing its presence. There are luckier days when my eye may catch the clock running like a jet plane at 1:59, indicating and luring me into the world of slumber as afternoon naps are a must. But how did the 1 PM go away? When? How? Why? What? The WH family keeps pestering my brain as I try to find an answer to this ranting, but unfortunately I don’t.
Am I travelling time? Does my clock jump from a twelve to a two directly? How is the 1 PM so invisible in my life?’

1 PM is often the time of the day, which goes away in a whiff! While for most of us 1 PM might be a reminder of a lunch party but apart from that in a normal day, where does the 1 PM go away? How is it an hour which un-intentionally gets ignored or marks an un-triumphed glory around it? Is it our bad to not witness how quickly it flows away, or is our day so loomy gloomy that we simply do not wish to pay attention to the hours we spend away being un-productive?
“I usually am never free at or around 1. On the weekdays, my classes take up my time, or if I get free early, then it is the travel time with my earphones plugged in ramming up the music, letting time pass on the long journey back home, and on the weekends, I guess I just sleep through it” remarks Anoushka Raina, a second year student of B.Sc. Life Sciences in Miranda House.
If a cumulative is taken, showcasing the hour wise allocation of activities, on a normal day, 1 PM for a lot of people goes away in classes, for college students and professors, or in the corporate sector in the form of a lunch break. While it is an active time for a majority of colleges in which either classes take place or the red-bricked campus is flooded with excited and tired students, food plates in one hand, phone in the other, giggles and gossip on the mouth. Individual productivity is compromised, when taking the individual as a microcosm.
“Well days apart from college, 12 noon is considered as a benchmark to fulfill numerous tasks and the time period around 1 passes unnoticed due to the continuity of me being busy in some stuff.” says Nikki Chaudhary, a second year student of English Honors in Maitreyi College. She further adds, “Or sometimes I am just preparing myself for some lunch with a friend or outing with family or even sleeping, therefore 1 pm becomes the preparatory unrecognized hour”.

When taking the consensus of the weekend, it is usually associated as the rest hour or an hour when a lot of commitments are not put forth! “I feel 1 PM is usually the rest hour or something in which a lot of people don’t put their commitments to. My weekend morning classes go on till a maximum of 12:30 PM. Parents and even students prefer to keep it either in the evenings or the early morning. That for me is also I reason I pack up early and usually spend that 1 PM taking a rest”, states Miss Pompy Gogoi, Founder Director of Pompy Nrityalaya, a popular Bharatanatyam dance institute in South-West Delhi.
Jon Udell, a blogger at WordPress.com, feels that there is a need to go by the rule that eleven-thirty AM to one PM should be the noted brunch-lunch hours. While lunching is more perceptive with people laying out their own times, statistics reveal that 1 PM is the lunching hour for a majority of people.

“If time is seen through a snack and break point of view, it is the mornings, when the first tea break is taken and usually before the work starts to ensure one is wide awake. And then I feel at around 4 PM is my team time. It is when I need a break, to walk around and relax for a bit. Lunch time for me is usually around 1-2 PM, depending on the work situation”, remarks Arpita Chhikara, a business analyst at KPMG.
While so many of us complain we do not have a sufficient amount of time, a lot of us actually forget the soulful hours of the day we just miss upon or do not assign something productive for it. Is 1 PM simply forgotten or is it just ignored in the lieu to succumb to relaxation? If only, we could truly enjoy the beauty and try to figure out the possibilities of 1 PM, other than the set idiosyncrasies’ of this lost and unexplored hour.
Feature Image Credits: Quora
Avnika Chhikara