As reported by DU Beat in January, the poor conditions of the footpath of south campus and persistent overflow of sewage led students of Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi University to write letters to various government and municipal agencies to look into the matter. This was met with a positive response from both, the Prime Minister’s Office and Dr. Meenakshi Lekhi, Member of Parliament. However, more than a month and an evening of rain later, the campus reverted to sewage waste on road and water logging. Ashutosh Singh, a student of Sri Venkateswara College, notified the Public Works Department to tackle this issue and also live up to their promise made before of replacing the sewer line. The work for this has begun and new sewer pipeline is being laid out. Demand of public toilet or convenience and the reconstruction and repair of the footpath had also been mentioned in the letters but no work towards it has started yet. “It is essential that we demand for basic rights. With properly constructed footpaths and public toilets, college students can have a pleasant experience instead of hassled one,” said Ashutosh Singh. Under a student run program, a campaign called ‘Outside the Campus’ was initiated where more than 250 students of Sri Venkateswara College wrote post cards to the PMO expressing their grievances, wants and solutions. Also read: Open Sewers and Broken Footpaths: South Campus students complain to authorities Shefali Bharati [email protected] Image credits: Ashutosh Singh]]>
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