We all know that people have their own ways of celebrating Navratri and Halloween. We stumbled upon a rather quirky, or innovative (depending on your taste) poster. The Delhi University Culture and Festivities Union (DUCFU) have planned a special event- a Navratri and Halloween mash up- A Halloween theme Dandiya Night.
The poster said that the event, which is open to all, shall be a night of Dandiya Ras, in very traditional, Halloween outfits. Oh there is more, the performing band is our very own, Evolution in Darkness and Pain, yes friends, yes, EdaP will be there too! And as a special request from the EDaP members the Dandiya sticks shall be replaced with daggers. Moreover, to complete the Halloween feel, the rangoli shall be made of fake blood or real blood, depending upon the DUCFU’s budget!
So it does not matter if you come dressed as a Zombie, as Frankenstein or Rakhi Sawant (a hot Halloween favourite) everybody is welcome to enjoy the Halloween Dandiya Night.
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