What weighs a thousand pounds and runs around the world fighting hunger? Hippo! The latest brand of melt in the mouth munchies in town, Hippo has become one of the first few snacks to successfully break the chain created by the wafer biggies. With its six odd new flavours totally unheard of in the country before, we are finally moving beyond the tag of ‘Masala India’ to perhaps a more global, more diversified taste. The packaging is impeccable with no more than what’s required on it. The distinctive colours kept together on the shelf don’t fail to attract your attention, even if from a fair distance. And they fit in your mouth at one go! While the tang of the flavours is quite unique and deserves much credit, it is the whole campaign behind the product by Parle which made Hippo a success in a relatively short period of time. That is because, instead of concentrating on the product, the message behind it was focused more upon courtesy the mascot and the theme song. Who would’ve thought we’d believe an unseen hippopotamus into agreeing with his pro-peace theme “Pyaar Baant te Chalo”? But we did, maybe because for once someone wasn’t trying so hard to sell us a product by putting Saif Ali Khan’s face on it. The attempt became more like a labour of love instead. Thus, the concept is funny without being frivolous. Also, if one notices intently, a hippopotamus endorsing the food product instead of a tanned six pack bloke seems more believable too. Which brings us to a little or maybe not so little, fact about these or any other chips. It’s out. The ‘baked, not fried’ tag does not help. Hippo does contain fat, and saturated fat just like all other chips. Maybe the cryptic warning comes attached with the size of the mascot. Implying, the makers have kept it real. Ah what the heck, we’re not dying of clogged arteries just yet, and hippo seems to be eating just as much too. So lets give Hippo the benefit of doubt. Besides isn’t that the whole point? Pyaar baant te chalo! ]]>
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