
study abroad


At some point in time, a fair amount of people have found themselves debating the idea of an education abroad. The question can plague those with a desire for a life, or simply an education abroad, for years at end. So, what really is the best time to receive an education in a foreign country?

Unlike our western counterparts, school is given a great deal of importance in India, so much so that dropping out for any  reason whatsoever is not an option. Some people may believe that an early introduction to the foreign culture is the best option for easy assimilation into the target society. Unless born into a particular country, receiving a primary education in a foreign country is not the best idea. Primary and middle school education is best received from any good school in the vicinity. High school is a better option to consider for foreign education, as this is a crucial time in terms of scores, competitive exams and college applications. If the end goal is getting into a college in a foreign country, completing one’s final two years of school from the said nation is a viable option.

Considered as the best time to go abroad, a Bachelor’s degree from a foreign university can have a heavy weightage on your CV. Scholarships are the best option in terms of funding an education abroad, taking into account the current value of the rupee. Part-time jobs are another option to aid your stay during college. One of the reasons why this is considered a good time to go abroad is the belief that age is synonymous with maturity. Majority of students reach the age of 18, an age considered appropriate to fly the nest. However, funding (in the absence of scholarships) is a major factor to take into consideration while applying. Being mentally prepared to take up a part-time job, alongside studies, and the task of assimilation into a foreign culture and society, must not be ignored.

The other end of the spectrum consists of people who are certain that masters is the best time, and option, among degrees to go overseas. Working for a couple of years helps individuals attain a certain practical knowledge about an industry,  that comes only through professional environments like workplaces. Interacting with people of all ages and differing qualifications helps build an in-depth understanding of the working of a particular field. Being Equipped with sufficient practical knowledge as well as academic knowledge helps make a masters course in a foreign country fruitful in terms of honing one’s existing skills, as well as gaining and understanding new information.
Going overseas immediately after a bachelor’s degree is often not preferred owing to a lack of work experience. Unless an individual has indulged in any form of work or practical internship, one may find themselves lagging behind in comparison to the rest of the class, the majority of which is made up of people with at least a couple of years of work experience.  

Experiences vary, and what holds true for one person may not for others. Doing adequate research into required exams,  funding, courses, and colleges is imperative and must not be compromised in any case.
For more information about education abroad, websites like those of the British council, StudyAbroad, and ISEP can be referred to.


Feature Image Credits: The PIE News


Meher Gill

[email protected]


In this world of cut-throat competition, getting a job today mandatorily requires one to have an edge over others, and most times, basic theory-based education, as is the usual norm in our Indian system, doesn’t suffice. To study abroad is to bridge that loophole. So what can we expect when we think of studying overseas? Not only the best academic facilities, but also all-round personality development of the individual. There the course structure is much more research-based which helps provide a different perspective and involves in-depth analysis and understanding of the course one wishes to pursue, which helps students better in the long run. The syllabus structure is flexible, allowing students to opt for various combinations of subjects, for example mathematics and music.

Most of the teaching in universities abroad follows the principle of application of knowledge. Practical and not just theoretical aspects of courses are explored, and implementation of the same is sought from the students. Degrees from some of the best foreign universities are looked at with great respect not only in that particular country, but also back here in India, opening up job opportunities in countries like the UK, Ireland, and Australia, as well as in India. Any kind of international exposure also helps broaden the mind and widen the vision in general. Moreover, going to study in another country helps give a different kind of exposure, as also independence and self-dependency in various facets of life. Apart from this, one can always find opportunities to work while studying abroad. Plus exploring these countries always comes with this package, and isn’t that something we all want to do?

Studying overseas not just brings to you the best in class educational facilities but is also an amazing opportunity to explore the world. In this age of globalisation almost every country offers different opportunities and prospects in the field of education. For students interested in studying abroad and looking for counselling, “Study Overseas Global” will lend you a helping hand in choosing the best university.

Study Overseas Global brings to you the multi-country “Education Fair 2017” on 20th May 2017.

The visiting universities are:

The University of Sydney

University of Westminster

Manchester Metropolitan University

University of Hertfordshire

University of Leeds

University of Central Lancashire

University of Strathclyde

James Cook University Singapore


So, hurry and register yourself to get guidance from experts in the field. Don’t miss this chance to shape your career, follow the link to register yourself on our website and on Eventbrite.

Venue: Lutyens Lounge
Eros Hotel, Nehru Place
New Delhi

Date: 20 May 2017

Timing: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm


Feature Image Credits: APSense