‘Samvaad’ is an Android based application by Vision India Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by alumni and faculty members of various IITs. The application is launched for Delhi; it enables communication between the citizens of different areas and their respective Councellors of Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
The app rates different areas of Delhi on various aspects like water quality, environment, sanitation, transportation, public amenities and crime. These standards are further subdivided for ease of understanding. The motive of this app is fairly simple, to make different areas of Delhi comparable and find out which chosen representative by MCD is doing better than the other.
The app at first gives the map of Delhi, which has all the different areas marked, the user can search the area which he is looking for and check who is the Municipal Corporation Supervisor of that area. Along with that he can also check its rating, which is based on the ratings given by other users, the user can further give his own rating and opinion regarding any aspect which he feels like. This way the representatives of the area can keep a check on their progress and improve on areas where they are lacking. After all, public opinion matters the most.
This app will be really handy in deciding whether the same government representative should be elected again or not, it can act as a database of their work done. Moreover, by this app people will become more aware about which area is doing better off than the other and who is their Municipal Representative. This app can prove to be a little chit chat corner for the area residents as well as its representatives. The application works fine without any glitches and crashes, the user interface is fairly easy to use and understand. The best part is that the app is constantly being updated and getting a positive response over the app store.