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Quaran-time with Pets: National Pet Day 2020

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The National Pet Day 2020 is a bit uncanny as it overlaps with a nation-wide lockdown. We bring you some tales from pet-owners as they tell us about their tailed-friends.

COVID-19 has been the most dramatic plot twist in 2020 as WFH (Work From Home) and silent streets become a part of our lives. While quarantine hasn’t been a welcoming change to some, our whiskered friends have some concerns and views about staying with their humans all day long. We understood that it would be hard to understand how they feel, so we rather asked some pet owners about their quaran-time with their pets.

“Quarantine is definitely a change for Jugnu because he sits in my room when I am at college. He is really surprised to see me at home all day long!
Whenever I am busy mopping the floor, he comes around to give me the social support I need. He gets busy with the broom or the mop, looking at him play, reduces all the workload. He is a constant companion during the online classes. He walks over the keyboard when I type my assignments but that is fine!
In a nutshell, I am never alone, he is the only one keeping me sane during these times”

– Anusha Khan (Mr. Jugnu’s Human)

Image Credits: Anusha Khan
Image Caption: Anusha with Mr. Jugnu

“Scampy has been the happiest and fattest bitch I know! She goes from one room to another to get loved. Once a person is tired, she switches rooms. She is being fed so much more than necessary.
The only time I go out of the house is when I walk her for two kilometres, twice a day. I think those are my favourite four hours of the day. She is the only one giving me purpose right now.”

– Shyla Sharma (Miss Scampy’s Human)

Image Credits: Shyla Sharma
Image Captions: Shyla with Mr. Scampy

“For starters, whenever the family gets down together to play a game like cards or ludo, she wants to be included as well so she brings her ball, her way to tell us that she wants to play!
She is loving the fact that everyone is at home and is always in a cuddly mood. Even though the whole family isn’t together all the time, she is satisfied that we’re all under the same roof.
One day when my parents went to buy the groceries, they took Misty as well. When they returned, Misty literally tried to pull dad’s mask off so that she could lick his face- as a gesture to thank him for taking her out for a drive.
But I remember the time she got scared and shivered a lot when the crackers were burst on 22March and 5 April respectively.”

– Rhea D’Souza (Miss Misty’s Human)

Image Credits: Rhea D’Souza for DU Beat
Image Caption: Rhea with Miss Misty

“I have a nine months old cat. She is super loving and very cuddly, contrary to what most people think about felines. Since she is an indoor cat, I do not face the problem of not being able to take her for regular walks or as such. However, she clearly likes having her alone time (haha). But now that everyone’s at home, I don’t know how it is for her. For me, I’m super happy. With a hectic college routine, I couldn’t give her as much time, now, it’s all hers. I’m around her the entire day. I am ten times happier since I am around her. I wonder once this period is over and my routine resumes, how much I’m going to miss her!”

– Ashwini Iyer (Miss Meow’s Human)

Image Credits: Ashwini Iyer for DU BEAT
Image Caption: Ashwini with Miss Meow

This unusual National Pet Day, give your pets the purr-fect gift – your time, belly rubs and boops! DU Beat wishes you a very Happy National Pet Day!

Featured Image Credits: Priyanshi Banerjee for DU BEAT

Priyanshi Banerjee

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