Arts & Culture

Captain Marvel: a review

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With all the hype regarding Avenger’s Endgame, Marvel teases us with Captain Marvel a prelude for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It’s been long since the Titan Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped off half the population of the universe with the ultimate power of the six infinity stones in the MCU. Since then all the fans have been speculating and fabricating all sorts of theories about how Avengers are going to undo the disastrous snap.

Marvel released Captain Marvel on 8th of March that was also the International Women’s day. The first film in the MCU based on a female character the film has been doing quite good at the Box Office. We watched the film and found it above average as far as super hero film goes.

The hype that some Multi-Starrer Marvel films have created was obviously not matched but as far as solo films go, Captain Marvel is okay. The film has a light, comedic undertone and scenes and the concept look a bit derived from earlier Marvel films. The Space scenes for example and the soundtrack is somewhat on similar themes as Thor: Raganarok and Guardians of the Galaxy 2.0. Even a little bit of her journey seems derived from what we have witnessed in Iron Man earlier. The speculation right now going around is whether or not she is the strongest Avenger, for this we have to wait a month till Avengers Endgame hits the theatres.

Talking about the women empowerment in the film, it is set in an era where women were not allowed to become Air force Pilots and how the only chance Captain Marvel gets is flying test planes. The movie also portrays a stark difference how only Earth has this kind of between male and females and the higher developed civilizations don’t really differentiate between any species.

There are two end credits in the movie which don’t give any more detail about the upcoming Avengers. Carol Denvers or Captain Marvel is going to become an integral part of the MCU now though.

Featured Image Credits- Marvel

Aman Gupta

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